Wood Pelletizers Hardfacing Improves Performance and Value
We recently had a customer that brought in a few wood pelletizers that need sharpening and hardfacing. Pelletizers are found in tough environments to chop up plastics, wood and other hard materials. By hardfacing the pelletizer after sharpening we are able to carry out the life of each and the customer will receive a better performing product. To replace pelletizers, you are looking at spending thousands of dollars. Instead bring them into Cliff Industrial for a fractional of that cost to get them in like new condition.
Our Hardfacing Services
Cliff Industrial delivers expert fuse hardfacing services designed to refurbish and reinforce the metal components used in a variety of industries. When you have your material hardfaced, you extend the life of these components, making the more resistant to wear, corrosion, abrasion and heat.
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